How To Style Your Rented Property To Add Your Personality & Love Of Vintage

Living in a rented apartment is exciting as you get your freedom and space. However, a rented property is owned by someone else, so the landlord gets to decorate it how they would like. This means you are limited to the number of things you can do to the property to make it your own. That said, there are many ways you can dress your apartment up to make it your own and add a touch of your own personality to it. This is why I thought it important to include a rented property in my book Style Your Modern Vintage Home, which I have added photos of here – showing that you can even create a retro home when you don’t own it. No matter where you are moving, whether you are looking for a studio for rent in Singapore, or a flat nearer to home, below are six ways you can make your space feel more like your own and homely.


How To Style A Rented Property - 1950s style

Simon Whitmore


Command hooks when hanging pictures on the wall 

If you live in a rented apartment, the last thing you want to do is damage the walls of the property and have money taken out of your deposit. Command strips are a great way to hang things on the wall causing the least amount of damage to the paintwork. They are sticky strips that peel off easily, instead of hammering a nail in, to hold your pictures up. I use these all over the house especially in my children’s bedrooms where they change their mind on what they want to look at!



Add plants around your apartment

Plants bring colour to your space and make the room look bigger as you can place them in spaces that normally don’t get used. Plants also have been proven to help reduce stress and help increase the oxygen level of your apartment. Plants don’t have to be expensive, and if you know you aren’t very good at looking after them, you can get ones that are hard to kill. Worst case, you can buy a fake plant that looks real to decorate your place. I have a few from IKEA which have lasted well, and are a good price.



Install LED lights 

Not only are LED lights more efficient than normal lighting, but they can also be smart bulbs as well. As a smart bulb, you can connect them to your mobile device or Alexa/Google Home and speak to them to turn the light on instead of having to get up and use a switch. You can also turn your lights off and on when you are out of the house so that people think you are in, in case you are away for a few days. A smart bulb has a variety of colours available, so depending on your mood, you can change the colour of your flat, giving it a completely different feel and your own touch. 


Throws and cushions 

To add your own style to your apartment, why not purchase a throw for the sofa and some cushions (or if you are like me – LOADS of cushions!). These can be replaced seasonally, changing the feel of the flat at an affordable cost. You’ll be surprised how much the colour of your cushions can affect the way a room feels. Brighter cushions can improve your moods, whereas pastel colours can come across as calming and relaxing. You can really express yourself with the pattern and style of your throw and cushions such as making your own using vintage fabric. We have done this and backed them with vintage velvet from old curtains.


How To Style A Rented Property - 1950s style


Purchase some rugs 

When living in a rental property, you don’t have a say on how the flooring looks. If they opt for carpet or laminate flooring, it’s up to the owner, not you. In order to add your own touch to this, consider buying some rugs that you can lay out in various places in your flat. A large rug in the living room can add a completely new dimension to the room and add a touch of your own style. You may not have thought of it, but a rug under your dining table (if big enough) can be handy, adding your own spin on things. If you need inspiration, look at Pinterest to see how people have dressed up their property using rugs. Personally we love Scandinavian 1960s shaggy rugs!


Decorate your surfaces 

You have to be careful with this one as you don’t want your place to look too cluttered. However, decorating your surfaces with items that mean things to you is a great way to add a touch of your own personality to your place. It will not only add another dimension to your property but also make the place feel more homely and like it’s yours, not rented. When decorating your sides, pick items that can be changed every couple of months; that way, you can keep updating your property’s style without having to spend a lot of money. If you are in need of more storage spaces, have a read of my article on storage hacks.  Of course, if you are a vintage fan like me, finding objects to display will not be hard – its the pairing back we are not so great at! Here you can see how you can add personality even to a rented kitchen.


How To Style A Rented Property - 1950s style

Simon Whitmore


As you can see above, there are many ways to make your rented place your own and to make it feel homely. It doesn’t have to be too expensive either; by purchasing some plants and cushions, you can quickly transform the place.


What tips do you have to decorate your apartment? 



This is a collaborative post


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