Disclaimer Statement

This website and blog is a revenue generated business, which means money is earnt for profit. It is also a way to share new ideas, new products and support other businesses.

This is done through:


The adverts in the side bars have been bought and paid for by the businesses shown. Included in this fee is a blog post about their business. They have, however been accepted onto the site as their business is relevent to the brand and ethics of Kate Beavis. However, she cannot be held responsible or liable for anything that the advertiser does or says. A third party advertising agency has not been used: all adverts are managed by Kate Beavis.

Affliate Links:

This site has affiliate links to businesses through Rakuten Link Share. This means that if a reader clicks through to the affiliate website and buys something, Kate Beavis will receive a tiny % commission. This does not affect the consumer and no money is added onto their sale.

Sponsored blog posts:

Sometimes payment has been made to promote an item or company within a blog post. All companies are chosen as their products are of interest to the readers, from a subject point of view and also an ethical one. This may be a product placement within a blog or a whole blog post written by a third party. Kate will not accept blogs that contradict her core values such as weight loss pills or online gambling.

Gifted Items:

Some items that Kate has reviewed have been gifted. However, all items are chosen to be included as they are relevent to the readers interests. All reviews are Kate’s own thoughts and beliefs – if the product isn’t great she will tell you!

If you have any further questions, please get in touch as yourvintagelife@hotmail.com

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