Our Fabulous 5: Vintage Camping
Fabulous 5: Vintage Festival Fashion
About Kate

I am Kate Beavis, and want everyone to design a life they want rather than what they are told to put up with.

I am a published author and writer on all things vintage. I am a midlife & menopause coach @fearlessat50 empowering women to fear less and be fearless in midlife and support you to “wear what you want at any age".

I run Magpie Wedding – helping couples create modern sustainable weddings.I also run The Indie Practice, supporting businesses with marketing strategies.

I’m a champion juggler!


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Hats off to Royal Ascot
Mr & Miss Vintage UK
Last minute Fathers Day gifts


Our Fabulous Five: Our best vintage summer buys
We Love…Vintage Lingerie
Our Fabulous Five: May the force be with you!

I Love

Get The Look: Love ur Look
S: Swatch
Our Fabulous Five: Shakespearian Shopping
Meet Our Sponsor: Splendid Vintage
Our Fabulous Five: Remembering Nirvana & Kurt Cobain
Get The Look: Vervia’s Attic
Our Fabulous Five:  Vintage Pastel fashions for Spring
We Love…Princess Charming Atlas bags
Our Fabulous Five: Celebrate Chinese New Year vintage style

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