Making Vintage Your Business: Your Press Toolkit

Today’s blog helps you to be prepared for that call from the press you have been longing for!

So you have just been contacted by a newspaper or magazine and they want to feature your business. Firstly WELL DONE as this is no minor accomplishment!

Now it’s time to make the most of this opportunity to sell yourself and what your business does to the world.

woman on phone

Our experience of dealing with the press is that they have no time to wait around and need things quickly! Over the past few years we have had some great press for our business, some of which we have generated and the rest is just getting a phone call out of the blue.

The first way of getting press involves some hard graft on your part. You will have contacted newspapers, magazines, radio and sent them through a press release with some exciting news (more on this in our workshops)

The second is being contacted by a writer or editor who wants to do feature about you, ask you for a comment or to use one of your products in an article. This is the area we want to cover in today’s blog.

First things first, if someone asks you for details for an article or interview you need to be prepared with the basics. Time is of the essence and these guys won’t wait around for you to gather information together, they may just find another vintage business instead.

Here are our top 3 tips for creating a Press Tool Kit, so you are armed and ready!

1.Prepare a short overview

A bit like a CV, no more than one page giving the editor or writer the basics about you and your business.

1940s writing

* Who you are, including web links, Facebook, Twitter, email, telephone etc.

* What you do

* Where you are based

* How long you have being running the business

* A brief description of your products or services

* Awards or achievements


You may be required to submit a photo or logo. Make sure you have some standard and relevant images of you, your products and your logo. Make sure they are high resolution, especially for magazines.

It’s important that you have these at the ready and available to email in an instant.


3. Stories to tell

Think of examples that could be used in interviews and standard questions that may be asked like “Vintage is very popular at the moment, do you think it will last?” or “why do you like vintage fashion so much?” Having a bank of answers to this type of question will mean a smooth interview without pauses and you thinking of an answer on the spot.


Finally remember this is the best opportunity to sell yourself and your businesses so after you read this blog go and get cracking.

For loads more information and advice with getting press, why not come to our one day events. Check out Vintage Academy here.


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