How To Make A Simple Pearl Doily Christmas Card

Create your own doily Christmas cards this year that are simple to make but also look super pretty. This is a great craft activity to do with the kids, adding optional glitter of course! 


How To Make A Doily Christmas Card


Materials Needed: 

  • Card and envelope 
  • Paper doilies 
  • Small flat-back pearls 


Equipment Needed: 

  • Scissors 
  • PVA glue 
  • Paintbrush 
  • Tweezers 
  • Ruler 
  • Cotton bud 
  • Pencil 


Step 1: Measure the width desired for the base of the Christmas tree. This of course depends on how big your cards are. 


How To Make A Doily Christmas Card


Step 2: Mark out a triangle shape on the side of the paper doily, to the size you have measured. Do this on the reverse side of the doily. 


How To Make A Doily Christmas Card

How To Make A Doily Christmas Card


Step 3: Cut out 3 more of these triangle shapes. Two of these need to be slightly smaller so they sit on top of each other to make a tree shape. 


How To Make A Doily Christmas Card


TOP TIP: Some doilies are double layered so you can get 2 triangles from one cut-out if you separate the paper. 


Step 4: Using the paintbrush, glue the largest triangle onto the card. Only glue the top part so the base lifts up to give a slight 3D effect. 


How To Make A Doily Christmas Card


How To Make A Doily Christmas Card


Step 5: Glue the others on top, creating a layered effect. Again leave the bottom edges unstuck so that can be gently lifted. 


How To Make A Doily Christmas Card

How To Make A Doily Christmas Card 

Step 6: Using tweezers place the small pearls into position. These need to be glued on firmly – I used a cotton bud to apply the glue as the beads are so small. 


How To Make A Doily Christmas Card

How To Make A Doily Christmas Card


TOP TIP: Consider adding more pearls as snow to the card for a full winter effect! 


How To Make A Doily Christmas Card




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