In todays vintage nostalgia blog read all of Your Vintage Life’s ‘Do you Remember’ posts from Facebook this week. We had great fun reading your comments and memories! So, what do you remember from back in the day vintage lovers…?
Did you have one of these yellow macs in the early 1980s? If you were lucky you had the matching willies and sou’wester hat too for jumping in puddles! Call the fashion police!!!

Here comes Bod. First shown in 1975 and had just thirteen 5 minute episodes. For the unfamiliar, Bod is a boy who lives in a town with Aunt Flo, PC Copper, Frank the Postman and Farmer Barleymow. Each of the characters have their own theme music which is heard when they appear – there’s also another set of characters who appear in each episode called Alberto Frog and his Amazing Animal Band. This section featured short extracts from famous pieces of classic music as part of the story, and always ended with Alberto choosing a different flavour of milkshake as his reward for solving a problem. Typical 70’s madness really…
Hands up who understood 3-2-1 back in the 1980s? Ted Rodgers, the 1000-1 quiz, variety acts and a dustbin booby prize…we were gutted when we found out you just won a basic dustbin not an actually robotic Dusty! Great vintage nostalgia Saturday night TV – we remember someone winning a pet St Bernard dog and a years supply of Brandy in one episode!!!
We know they are still around, but do you remember discovering Findus Crispy Pancakes back in the 80s? A regular after school quick dinner…remember the mouth burning fillings? We loved a chicken and bacon one as a child – proper nostalgia food.
Who loved Blind Date back in the 1980s…? Quite a few of us, as 18.2 million tuned in on a Saturday night. Long before “No Lighty No Likey”, we were watching couples paired up years ago. “Shall I buy a hat?” “What’s your name and where do you come from?” and that wall pulling back to reveal their ‘date’ it was great fun – no wonder it ran for almost 18 years!
“Don’t Forget The Fruit Gums, Mum” . Remember almost breaking your teeth on fruit gums from a box at the cinema? They may not of been the most delicious of sweets but they definitely lasted a long time…
For more vintage nostalgia make sure to check our Facebook page at 12pm every day – we always love reading your comments. ‘Like’ our page for lots more vintage inspiration or follow us on Pinterest or Instagram too.