I have realised that it has been a long time since I shared our Christmas – something I used to do every year. It is probably since Instagram took over; sharing our home there happens so much more. This year we have actually put out less vintage Christmas decorations than usual; we used to have two trees but since the dog arrived, there is no room!

We always put out our white Christmas tree in the lounge – it always stands out so well against the blue wall. We have recently re-decorated the whole space which will be revealed in full in the new year. The tree is a modern one which we have had for about 6 years now but is covered in vintage Christmas decorations.

This year I have added all the tinsel for an over the top 1960s/70s look! The dog keeps chewing it though so it may not happen next year!
These are a few of my favourite vintage Christmas decorations….

We have a few original paper honeycomb decorations from the 1950s – the snowman and the Santa sit proudly out on display (up high from the dog!)

This metal candle holder was my Great Aunts – a chime is missing somewhere in the loft though.

We have two Christmas vintage tablecloths – we have a red one that comes out on Christmas Eve when we have our Christmas dinner (have a look at it here) and then this Scandi one. It is so much fun right?

My broken vintage glass decorations sit in this large glass bowl on the table. In the background you can see my homemade Christmas bauble wreath that I made a few years ago for my Christmas book. I really need to remake it – maybe next year!
I bought this vintage macrame Christmas tree last year.

I pick holly from the garden to attach to presents and to place into vases. I love the foraged feel (but alas no berries as they come out in October!)

We found the tinsel garland in its original packaging, unopened when we had our vintage shop. I remember unpacking it to photograph then deciding to keep it!

This is my favourite vintage decoration – it winds up and plays a lullaby while spinning round. I bought it from an antique fair.

Finally the door wreath is vintage too. I added some more vintage baubles to brighten it up.

Are you having a vintage Christmas? Do tell me about it!

If you love vintage Christmas decorations check out my blogs: