My weakness is shopping. Actually, not just shopping. My weakness is shopping, thrifting, collecting….I can’t drive past a car boot sale without dropping in, I can’t visit a new town without thrifting through the charity shops, I can’t ignore a sign saying “Garage Sale” be honest I can’t even drive past a skip without meer-catting my neck up to see if there’s any bounty inside.
So maybe I should share with you my fact here is this week’s weakness.
Well this one has to top all others and will probably top all future purchases too! This week the long anticipated arrival of our table and chairs happened. Now this isn’t just any old table and chairs…it is a gorgeous 1960s Arkana table and chairs.
I have wanted one for so long……and now they are here. I love the tulip shaped iconic of the 1960s and their love of all things space age (Check out a recent blog all about it called “One small step for mankind, one giant leap for our homes”)
It has 4 swivel chairs with red seat pads which match our room perfectly. The table is aluminium with a melamine coated top. The chairs are fibre glass with aluminium legs. Gorgeous! As you can see there is slight chipping to the tulip base…but hey they are 50-60 years old!
Overall it needed a good clean up, but nothing a bit of cream cleaner couldn’t handle. I think the previous owner kept them in the garden (OUTRAGEOUS) so we had to scrub hard.
I’m so very happy to have them! They are timelesss yet totally sum up the look and feel of the 1960s. And they are English!
Another thing ticked off my vintage wish list!
Wow! They are truly wonderful. Who cares if there’s a few chips to the base? These are authentic pieces and such a great investment for the future. Fits your room scheme perfectly. Great find! xx
Thanks Louise, I’m sitting on them now writing tomorrows blog! x Its not our dining table as its in the “adult” lounge..its the laptop table so i can write in peace (used to be in the kitchen)