It’s been another great week being nostalgic for things that seemed amazing back in the day. All photos were posted on the Your Vintage Life Facebook page and you added some great comments as always!
Hands up who loved Duran Duran in the 80s…? Every inch of YVL’s bedroom wall was covered in their faces!! They seemed so sexy, named after a character in a cool film that we hadn’t seen (Barbarella). You loved Simon Le Bon and John Taylor mainly but our heart will always belong to Nick Rhodes…
Did you watch and love the film Lost Boys in the 80s? It as a favourite of many of you and girls were divided in fancying pretty Jason Patric or bad boy Kiefer Sutherland! It also started quite a few goth fashion trends in many of you too.
Ah, Ziggy Stardust. You told us your tales of your wild hairstyles and fashions as fans of the Star Man back in the 1970s! Probably Bowies best persona…and the album still sounds great now.
Who watched and loved the Banana Splits on Saturday morning TV back in the late 60s/early70s? The rock band/comedy gang made up of Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper and Snorky and a great reminiscence but a bit psychedelic for some! The music was groovy and we loved the Hanna-Barberra fun. All together now – “tra la la, la la la laaaa”
We all loved lipstick lollies back in the 70s/80s and remembered painting our lips with them thinking you were so grown up!! They were rock hard though and it was a job to get that last piece out of the base without breaking a tooth. Swizzles sweets rock!
We’re going to be controversial and take you back to the 90s for crazy duo Zig and Zag!!! Ok its not hugely vintage but anyone in their early 20’s have no idea who they were…and let’s face it, breakfast telly hasn’t been good since then! No-one admitted buying their record but it was still a big hit – strange.
For more nostalgia make sure to check our Facebook page at 12pm every day – we just love reading your comments and if there’s a memory you’d like featured let us know! ‘Like’ our page for lots more vintage inspiration or follow us on Pinterest or Instagram.