Re-work it baby!

Now before we start, I realise the true vintage ladies amongst us won’t like this post. Don’t baulk just yet…as our new Customised Collection isnt really aimed at yourselves. I am aiming at..lets just call them the Primark generation. Spending regularly on clothes that all their friends have also got………now is the time to introduce them to vintage!

Mainly 1980s items that in their existing form probably don’t look too great. So, why not re-work them baby!

Launching this week we have:

Levis jeans cut to mini lengths…..wear bare legs if you dare or over black opaques.

Army parkas cropped with elastic added so they sit nicely

Rock mens T shirts, customised into oversized vestsMore rock Ts with elastic added into the hemline and sleeves capped

Knee length skirts cropped to mini length…floaty and girly

or sexy and glam

Unflattering length dresses cropped to better, more wearable lengths

Army parkas with fur collars added…..add some glamour to your military!

Now is the time to look different from your mates and recycle on the way…….


I love

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