Making The Most Out Of Your Home’s Period Features 

 There’s a reason why drama series such as Bridgerton and Downtown Abbey are successful. Yes, the romance and the intrigue are a part of it, of course, but it’s also the atmosphere and grandeur of all the period features that make them some addictive and indulgent. If you live in the UK and your home is a little on the older side, you might be lucky enough to have some period features putting a definitive classic stamp on your abode. From gorgeous alcoves to classic cornices, rather than modernising and replacing these features, today we’ll be making the point that these period feature should be preserved and accentuated. You might even be surprised how functional and energy efficient they can be, with the right approach. 


Making The Most Out Of Your Home’s Period Features 

Preserving Architectural Details

 Maintaining original features like cornices and fireplaces is essential for preserving the historical acumen of your home, not to mention its actual monetary value. Restoration and care are crucial to ensure these elements remain intact, meaning regular and careful maintenance. Gentle cleaning, careful repairs, and the use of appropriate materials should be ensured to restore any damage. 



Blending Modern with Traditional

 Integrating modern elements with period features can enhance the functionality of your home while maintaining its original charm. The key is to ensure that any updates complement the existing architectural details. For example, modern lighting fixtures can highlight period features without overshadowing them and sleek, contemporary furniture can contrast beautifully with intricate cornices or mouldings.  



Functional Use of Period Features

Period features can be both beautiful and functional. Consider transforming fireplaces into storage areas or installing alcove wardrobes in existing recesses to provide practical storage solutions without disrupting the room’s character. These adaptations make the most of your home’s unique features while adding convenience and utility.  


Making The Most Out Of Your Home’s Period Features  

Decorating Around Features

 Decorating strategies should highlight and enhance period features. Choose paint, wallpaper, and furnishings that draw attention to architectural details. For example, bold colours can make cornices and mouldings stand out, while patterned wallpaper can add depth and interest to a room. A careful and considered selection of tasteful furnishings that complement these features will create a harmonious and stylish interior.  



Improving Energy Efficiency

Enhancing the energy efficiency of period homes is crucial, especially given the UK’s climate and the current global surge towards more sustainable climate control. Techniques such as draught-proofing windows and doors, adding double (or triple) glazing, and insulating floors and roofs can significantly reduce energy loss. Most of these things can also be achieved without damaging the aesthetic integrity of your period features. It’s this step that, perhaps more so than all others, underlines the importance of blending modern with traditional elements to ensure your period home remains a beautiful and unique but also practical, and comfortable living space. 


Making The Most Out Of Your Home’s Period Features 



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