These bags are so gorgeous yet also a tad kitsch! Atlas were a leading handbag store in Hollywood in the 1950s. They designed and created a range called Princess Charming bags or windowpane bags that were made in Hong Kong.
Always made from a heavy wicker straw, which was often glossed, they had a plastic film on the front making up the windowpane. Underneath this was a scene or picture made from shells or plastic. Some of the most popular were under the water scenes with a Hawaiian feel or poodle dogs with a Parisian feel.
Many had lucite handles with brass fittings.
I have 3 in my collection which hang on my bedroom wall or are stored in a 1950s vintage cocktail cabinet.
photo is courtesy of Simon Whitmore for FW Media: Style Your Modern Vintage Home
First up is my favourite: the one with the kitty on.