Get Scrapping!

We are currently packing up our house as we are moving. As stressful as it is, we found some respite this week when we found my old scrapbook from the 1970s. As mentioned in our Christmas article “Have yourself a Merry Vintage Christmas” in Vintage Life Nostalgia magazine, children in times gone by used to paste their cards into a scrapbook and show everyone on Christmas Eve.

And I’m so very glad we did as we have saved a fabulous collection of retro cards from every occasion.

The colours are really vibrant and the characters are so kitsch.

I love this little girl with her large eyes and  innocence. This was actually the back of a card with the front being a little boy.

Or maybe it is actually an angel..playing a tuba? All the children in these old cards had rather large heads with often oversized hats!

There were of course religious cards too. However, these were still really bright and vibrant reminding me of stained glass windows in church, with the sun shining through.

This one depicts the Nativity. The lambs are so sweet, very stylised, very 60s. Children from around the world coming together, in a retro way! Still their heads are very large!

Many of the cards have animals on, still with large eyes! Often animals that have nothing to do with Christmas: cats, dogs and mice! Here we have a dog and a mouse decorating a tree with bells and baubles. The background is a shocking pink…again not a colour assosiated with Christmas!

A mouse sits on a giant lump of cheese to look at the Christmas candle….again the bright pink appears in a bow around the cheese.  Then we have yet another mouse, with hug ears looking at a bird treee decoration. It has that doe eyes and a paw up at the mouth at the wonder of what it sees!

This one is my favourite. It reminds me of the designs on old sweet & biscuit tins. It was  in fact drawn by a 12 year old girl for Oxfam, organised by the Young Observer magazine. It is called Snowballing.


I think i will make it into cards this year to send to my dearest. Bring back the scrapbook I say….I wonder what we will say about 2010 cards in years to come. My book was large with groovy 70s kids on the front!


So come on everybody….get scrapping and make this year’s cards, memories of the future!


I love


  1. Lucy Jacobs
    13 December 2010 / 10:42 pm

    I used to have scrap books in the 70s, my mum used to get us all to sit down and cut our the pictures we loved and stick them in. I dont remember doing anything with them though, just sat in the cupboard. I love the blog Kate!

  2. dee
    8 November 2013 / 3:49 pm

    wow I remember some of those cards that was when you got a card and really looked at it , that’s for the trip down memory lane

  3. dee
    8 November 2013 / 3:52 pm

    wow I remember getting some of these cards when I was younger that was when you got a card and really looked at the pictures thanks for the trip down memory lane

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