Get The Look: Vintage Photographs

Nothing evokes the memory quite like a vintage photograph, whether it is of a global event, such as a picture depicting the horrors of the First World War or the faded image of family ancestor; for example, a great grandmother photographed as a child.

vintage photo

Photo by Simon Whitmore for FW Media for Style Your Modern Vintage Home. The dancing couple are Nanna and Grandpa Bond in the 1930s and were included in my book!

Despite the fact that more photos are taken today than ever before, there is nothing quite like a vintage photograph that provides an insight into a time long gone by. Just think about the stunning landscapes of Yosemite National Park and the American West produced by Ansel Adams in the 1920s and 30s. Even with all the technological advances that have taken place in photography since that time there are few to compare with Adams

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