Beat the Monday Blues

Beat the Monday blues by checking out something or someone we love. Here at Your Vintage Life, we feel it is important to share great finds with you all as well as support local business.

So this Monday I introduce someone local, here in Bedford.

Sarah Dunn is our locally sourced vintage hair stylist. She runs the company Sarah’s Doo-Wop Dos where she styles hair for the vintage crowd in the town’s vintage shop, Rose-tinted Vintage. This isn’t all though; she also styles hair for photo shoots…think pin up photography, 50s styling, sassy and of course vintage.

I have lived in Bedford on and off for my whole life and can genuinely say that the vintage scene has never been so strong. Yes we all wore vintage dresses back in the 80s and 90s……..but we never did our hair in a vintage style. I don’t get to go out often these days (kids huh?) but I have noticed a real move to the beauty and glamour of vintage styling. The hairstyle  is really the finishing touch and Sarah genuinely lives and breathes it.

I caught up with Sarah this week to discuss what she does, how she got into it as well as why she loves it!

You seem to be so busy, can you describe what you actually do?

I’m a vintage hair stylist amongst other things, so I spend a lot of my time on shoots. I’ve been collaborating with photographer Jez Brown for well over a year now and we specialise in pin-up and vintage style shoots. I often have a pop up vintage hair parlour at vintage fairs and events and I also run a mini hair parlour at a local vintage shop in Bedford, Rose-tinted Vintage. You can always pop in and get me to style you up for an event or party.

At Rose Tinted Vintage

So how did you get into hair styling the vintage way?

I’ve always been into vintage clothing. I used to go to Camden as a teenager on the hunt for bright 1960s dresses and did art and fashion at College and University. I guess my love of vintage hair really took over about 10 years ago when I was living in Brighton. We used to go to 1940s & 50s themed nights and when I moved back to Bedford, I found it too had a whole host of vintage loving people and events too! Then I met Emily, event organiser for Bedford Burlesque at one of her events and she introduced me to Jez (Jez Brown Photography), Kat (owner of Rose-tinted Vintage) and Lizzie (Lil Mischief corsets and accessories) and things went from there really…

Jez Brown Photography, pin-up zombies shoot

What does vintage mean to you?

I love vintage clothing & hair, I’m especially fond of the 1940s & 50s looks as they seem to suit me best and are so very elegant but recently I’ve been experimenting with other eras such as the 1930s & 1960s too.

Jez Brown Photography, Gemma Renata pin-up shoot

Whats an average day for you?

Good question as everyday is so different! If I’m in the shop for the day there’s a bit of a routine,so once I’ve had a cuppa (very important) I get set up and then I’ll be seeing customers all day. On a typical day it might be a few 1940s style victory rolls or Veronica Lake style waves, then a glam beehive and maybe a Marilyn Monroe style makeover. However, if I’m on a shoot with Jez Brown Photography I can be in the studio or out on location. I usually have to do a fair bit of planning for the look beforehand but shoots are always great fun, we’ve used a 1940s airfield before and a classic car garage so it just depends on what look we’re after that day.

Jez Brown Photography, Betty Havok shoot

Can you describe your look?

Monday to Sunday I can go from a demure 1940s tailored suit and victory rolls, to 1950s style rolled up jeans and a headscarf through to a bright 1960s dresses and a beehive, it completely depends on what mood I’m in that day!

What’s the best thing about what you do?

I’m very lucky to get to do what I do and to have such lovely customers, so the best thing is really all the lovely feedback and thank you messages. I love it when people get transformed and are really thrilled with it, I have a lot of fun doing what I do.

Jez Brown Photography, Abyss pin-up shoot

What do you want to be doing in 3 years time?

I’d love to still be doing this really

Whats the best thing about living in Bedford?

There’s loads going on here, there always seems to be fairs and events happening. The people are really friendly which has really helped when looking to collaborate on projects. Plus you can nip round for a cuppa so easily and after living in much bigger places I appreciate this really helps when planning things!

How can we contact you?


Sarah’s Doo-Wop Dos mobile: 07532444394 or just pop in and see me as at Rose-tinted Vintage in Bedford on Fridays 2pm – 5pm & Saturdays 10am – 5pm.

Finally,describe yourself in 3 words

Artistic, friendly and well-dressed

Sarah has offered to do my hair which I will definitely take her up on. I need to wait for a big night out…then I will share it with you all! Oh, and don’t worry, I won’t paint my body green!!

Find Sarah on Facebook and on her blog.

I love


  1. 16 January 2012 / 9:51 am

    Lovely interview! I agree with Sarah that vintage glamour is getting ever more popular. I love the photographs – and I want hair just like Sarah please!!!

  2. 16 January 2012 / 10:34 am

    I know it’s fab isnt it? I keep saying I want to dye my hair but alas Im probably not brave enough (plus no colour would prob work over all this bleach!) thanks for the comment

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