A Sunday Retrospective

I love my vintage telephone collection: it’s got a Trimphone,  Ericofon, Genie…even a Mickey Mouse. But it is missing an American Princess phone which I can only dream of finding here in the UK.

They were the original “bedroom” phone with a light so you could see in the dark. Designed in cute pastel colours they were clearly aimed at the new 1960s teenage girl.

I also love this all hung one that I discovered while photographing for the book. One of the homes featured has a blue one on their diner wall. It also cropped up in Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 film!

They were all so glamorous that even the adverts make you want to rush out and buy one. What did we have here in the UK: Busby of course! Not exactly the same huh?



I love

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